
Rail Rush Tips&Tricks-Top Five

I've played Rail Rush for a long time and also have wrote several reviews and tips for the game(check my bolg). I love this game for its graphics and the way it runnig.
Today I wanna write about 5 tips I just come up with. It's a little tricks that helps you to play the game better. So, check it out !

-TIPS ONE:Try and stay in the center lane so you have a choice of movement

-TIPS TWO:Keep the arrow within the green section to keep your belance

-TIPS TREEE:Keep the cart under control at high speeds

-TIPS FOUR:Complete missions to share your ranking!

-TIPS FIVE:Open prizes for a chance to win special items or exchange for nuggets.

For those who are looking for more tips and tricks for the game ,please check the link:
It's a game page for Rail Rush, containg a lot of game info, news, tips, reviews and walkthrough. You'll find what you need.

